a) | airport name | Rzeszów-Jasionka [EPRZ] |
b) | airport location (direction and distance from the city) | BRG 010° GEO, 7,8 km (4,9 NM) |
c) | geographical coordinates of the airport reference point set in the world geodetic system 1984 - WGS 84 (location and coordinates ARP) | 50°06’35,85”N 022°01’08, 40”E on the runway axis at a distance of 1249 m east of the THR 09 |
d) | inclination of the airport / geoid undulation | 211,2 m / 35,0 m1) |
e) | magnetic declination and its annual correction: | 7°E (2021) + 8’ E |
f) | threshold elevation of the runway (RWY THR), geoid undulation, and significant high-and low-lying points along the runway, the highest elevation in the touchdown zone on the runway with a precision approach:1) | Runway thresholds: RWY 09 – 209,7 m / 34,9 m RWY 27 – 204,0 m / 34,9 m
g) | airport reference temperature | 26,6°C (average daily maximum temperature in the hottest month of the year) |
h) | name of the airport administrator, address, telephone numbers to be contacted 24 hours a day | Port Lotniczy Rzeszów-Jasionka im. Rodziny Ulmów Sp. z o.o. ("Rzeszów-Jasionka" Airport, Ltd.) Chairman of the Board 36-002 Jasionka 942 07:00 – 15:00 Tel.: +48 17 852-00-81 +48 17 717-86-11 Faks: +48 17 8520709 Port Operational Duty 5:00-24:00 Tel.: +48 17 7178680 Mobile: +48 609127558 Faks: +48 17 8505412 Dispatcher of LSR-G 24H Tel.: +48 17 71 78 611 |
a) | Airport Reference Code | 4D |
b) | runways - the designation, geographic direction, approach category, length, width, displaced threshold location, tilt, surface type, the existence of an obstacle free zone (OFZ) for runway precision approach: | RWY 09-27 : 1)
c) | taxiways (TWY) - width and type of surface |
TWY A – 26 m, artificial surface of asphalt concrete |
d) | aprons - type of surface |
e) | clearway (CWY): |
f) | visual aids to approach procedures, type of approach lights, visual systems for indicating the approach path, markings and lights for runways, taxiways, aprons, other visual aids to guidance and control on taxiways (including: waiting areas in front of the runway, intermediate waiting areas, stop bars) and on aprons, location and type of light guidance and docking system, availability of backup power systems: |
RWY 09:
RWY 27:
TWY edge lights:
TWY axis lights
stop crossbars
Navigation lights and illuminated vertical directional and information signs are controlled from TWR. |
g) | radio navigation and landing aids: |
h) | location and marking of standard taxiways / taxiways, marking of horizontal marking of taxiways: | Axis markings, pre-runway waiting area markings, intermediate waiting area markings, edge markings. 2 |
i) | geographical coordinates of each threshold of the runway: |
THR 09: 50°06’36,67”N 022°00’05,53”E |
j) | geographical coordinates of each aircraft parking position | parking position - coordinates: APRON PPS 3 1 50°06’51,55”N 022°01’40,42”E 21 50°06’46,25”N 022°00’29,12”E
k) | kind / surface type and pressure force by the surface calculation method ACN / PCN: |
RWY 09/27 asphaltic concrete /PCN 54/F/B/W/T |
l) | RWY: | TORA [m] | TODA [m] | ASDA [m] | LDA [m] |
RWY 09 | 3200 | 3260 | 3200 | 3200 | |
RWY 27 | 3200 | 3260 | 3200 | 3192 | |
m) | rescue and fire protection. The level of protection provided, expressed as a category of rescue and fire protection services, should be determined in relation to the longest aircraft normally/usually using the airport and the type and amount of firefighting agent normally available at the airport. |
CATEGORY VII Number of airport heavy firefighting vehicles: 5 Quantity of extinguishing agent (water) - 50600 liters Quantity of foaming agent - 3800 liters + 200% of the supply Quantity of fire extinguishing powder - 750kg +200% of supply |
1) data source: Measurement Operative - Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport and Registration Documentation of Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport.
2) data source: As-built Documentation of RWY, TWY and PPS Modernization.